QLife Tagged as: , Mental Health QLife provides Australia-wide peer support and referral service via telephone or webchat. QLife does not provide crisis mental health services. Website 1800 184 527
Transgender Victoria (TGV) Tagged as: , LGBTQIA TGV is Victoria’s leading body for trans and gender diverse advocacy. Not a referral line, but an information, resource and advocacy hub. Website
IPSA (Intersex Peer Support Australia) Tagged as: , LGBTQIA IPSA is an intersex peer support, information and advocacy group for people born with variations in sex characteristics and their families. Website 0498 393 038
Koorie Pride Victoria Tagged as: , Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Koorie Pride Victoria is a network that connects and advocates for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identifying LGBTQIA+SB people. Website
Yarns Heal Tagged as: , Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Yarns Heal is a nationwide suicide prevention service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who identify as LGBTQIA+SB, can also provide referrals (Queensland based, providing national advocacy). Website
Transcend Australia Tagged as: , LGBTQIA Transcend Australia works to uphold the rights of trans, gender diverse and non-binary young Australians and provides services to their families. Website
South East Centre Against Sexual Assault (SECASA) Tagged as: , Mental Health Counselling, information, referral and advocacy support for victims of/or survivors of sexual assault. Website 1800 806 292